Järna, Sweden


Charlottendal Gård

Järna, Sweden


I apprenticed for Magnus through winter. Together we developed the yurt dwelling, and constructed external facilities, like the outdoor kitchen.


October 2016 – March 2017

I assisted Magnus in establishing a yurt dwelling throughout winter in a Swedish ecovillage. We made a platform, for the yurt he had previously built. We constructed a sturdy door and frame from oak, and fastened them with beautifully handcrafted hinges. At this stage we moved into the yurt. Once the yurtdwelling was insulated, and with a working fireplace we began constructing an outdoor kitchen, a composting toilet, a workshop, and set up the necessary systems, like composting and fire wood making. We used whatever materials we could find from pallets, to on site harvested logs, and wonderful planks from local sawmills. We lived together in the yurt after raising it, and collaborated with the community to use their tools, bathroom, water and electricity.

We collaborated with other individuals skilled in carpentry, planning, planting, playing and processing. I arranged the rocks on site, and created planting beds, sitting arrangements, circles, and fireplaces. We also hosted events and told stories around the fire. Days were filled with working out the details of living in a yurt, from insulation, fire safety, water retention and structural integrity. Winter passed by quickly and smoothly.

The beginning of a new adventure. Yes this is how we travelled many days

Asplunden upon my arrival mid October 2016

Alva and Magnus making the finishing touched us the yurt roof

Wool insulation in the platform

Planing the salvaged planks smooth

May Yurtheim be raised here! Peter helped us with the the fireplace.

The crown

The skeleton of the yurt is held together with pressure

Cutting the platform to fit the yurt

Fitting the chimney to the fireplace

Attaching these beautiful hinges to the door

THe most beautiful door ever!

A great fit!

Crafts and tool care was conducted evening time now that the yurt is raised

My humble quarters when first we moved in.

Improving on our designs and seeking more inspiration

Cause the cozyness requires a lot of hard physical work!

The outdoor kitchen before

Peeling a spruce tree

It will be the main horisontal beam

Manufacturing support poles with Reidar

Julian and Alvis built a wall

And we have a structure

Just in time before winter came

Feels great having a proper base before the freeze

Asplunden year 1

On sunny days we didn’t mind not having a roof

But Magnus pushed on and quickly got tiles up there

Cutting rock

is dirty work

The kitchen is almost done

Photo: Magnus Ekenhjärta

First version done

Lots of rocks to move

Some quite large

But we made a littel theater

Asplunden was inaugurated in March 2017

My side looked like this for inauguration

The inside was really cosy by this stage

Photo: Magnus Ekenhjärta

As autumn came next year Asplunden and Yurtheim were well established

Photo: Magnus Ekenhjärta

We enjoyed winter together in this little dwelling

Photo: Magnus Ekenhjärta

Performance review by Magnus Ekenhjärta:

Under vintern 2016-17, samt våren som följde,

hade jag det stora nöjet att arbeta tillsammans med Peter och ta del av hans mångbottnade bidrag till ett personligt projekt med många utmaningar och kreativa, praktiska och logistiska trösklar att övervinna.

Idag kan jag säga helt utan tvekan, att jag aldrig

hade lyckats sjösätta mitt projekt utan hans hjälp.

Hans förmågan att, med god humor och positiv

lag-anda driva ett projekt framåt, är verkligen

ovärdeligt, och han visade under vår tid ihop att

han både kan följa, och leda, en kreativ process,

något jag värdesätter högt.

Utöver den katalys-effekt som naturligt uppstår

kring Peter, har han många andra goda sidor:

- Han är extremt kreativ och produktiv

- Väldigt intelligent och lösnings-orient

- Ser möjligheter i alla situationer

- Oerhört lätt-lärd person som snabbt bemästrar nya verktyg och arbetsmetoder

- Väldigt flitig och arbetar disciplinerat och med stort fokus

Jag har sedan denna inledande tid ihop haft nöjet

att jobba med Peter på flertalet mindre projekt,

och jag känner alltid att jag har en stark pelare att gläds att arbeta, och umgås med!

luta mig mot när han är nära. Han är helt enkelt en super-resurs som jag alltid glädjs att arbeta, och umgås med!